
    Viewpoint Email Blunder 0x800ccc1a: Simple settle

    Allow us to look into the blunder standpoint email mistake 0x800ccc1a. With the backing of our Server the executives support administrations at Bob cares we will go through the moves toward eliminating the mistake without any problem.

    Indications of Standpoint Blunder 0x800ccc1a

    A few Microsoft Standpoint clients have detailed getting or sending messages with mistake code 0x800ccc1a. This code could show up in various spots all through the framework.

    In spite of the way that it had not many subtleties in its name, it was by and by challenging for the client to perceive and fix the issue with practically no product or specialized understanding. Assuming we get this notification on the PC, it means that something is off with the framework. Coming up next are the side effects:

    • Mistake caused window crash
    • After many seconds, the framework freezes.
    • PC crashes often times while running a similar programming
    • Each time we send off Standpoint, we experience a blunder message in the exchange box.
    • Windows answers gradually to console and mouse input or the window runs gradually.

    Standpoint Blunder 0x800ccc1a: Causes

    Since Viewpoint involves two servers for sending and getting messages, assuming the client program can’t arrive at one of them, the client will make a mistake. It shows a blunder message, for example,

    “An unidentified misstep has happened. The encryption type we chose isn’t upheld by the server. If it’s not too much trouble, save any past work and reboot the machine “.

    The 0x800ccc1a blunder code can be brought about by different elements. Among the most pervasive clarifications are:

    • Encryption Type

    In uncommon conditions, the encryption type (generally SSL) given could possibly be the wellspring of the issue.

    • Harmed Standpoint Profile

    In the event that the Microsoft Viewpoint profile is tainted or annihilated, this could be the wellspring of the issue.

    • Mistaken Port Number

    A 0x800ccc1a blunder notice might show up in the event that the association we are using has an erroneous IMAP, SMTP, or POP3 network. Commonly, the client will give a wrong port number to either the active server (STMP) or the approaching server (STMP) (POP).

    • Enemy of Infection

    On the off chance that the framework’s antivirus program has an email examining ability, the mistake might show up. What is [pii_email_e135f84d87e92e06b959] error?

    Fix Viewpoint Blunder 0x800ccc1a

    Follow the arrangements given underneath to eliminate the blunder:

    Strategy 1: Alter Viewpoint’s Encryption Choices

    To change encryption settings in Viewpoint, follow the means underneath:

    • Open the Viewpoint account and go to the Document menu. This raises a ‘Data’ page; select the Record Settings menu, then Record Settings.
    • Click on the email account in the ‘Record Settings’ window, then click Change.
    • Click More Settings in the ‘Change Records’ page.
    • Click the High level tab in the discourse box that shows up, and uncheck the checkbox “This server requires a scrambled association (SSL).”
    • Then, pick Finish, and afterward click Close. At long last, restart Standpoint to check whether the issue has been remedied. On the off chance that not, continue to the following arrangement.

    Strategy 2: Fix the PST Document

    Debased PST documents could cause the Viewpoint ‘0x800ccc1a’ send/get mistake. To fix the bad PST record, utilize the Microsoft worked in ‘Scanpst.exe’ utility by following these means:

    • Double tap SCANPST.
    • Click Peruse in the discourse box that showcases to pick the PST record.
    • To start examining the PST document for defilement issues, click the Beginning button.
    • Assuming any issues are seen subsequent to finishing the sweep, click Fix to address them.
    • At the point when the fix is finished, click alright.

    In the event that the ‘Scanpst.exe’ apparatus neglects to fix the undermined PST document, the Heavenly Fix for Viewpoint program can be utilized to fix PST record defilement. The program is arranged to reestablish seriously defective PST records while protecting the entirety of their items. Why Taylor Swift Hearldle is Important.

    We might utilize the PST fix instrument’s demo version to examine and assess the recoverable mail things prior to saving them.

    • Find the PST document to fix it.
    • To start the maintenance methodology, click Fix.
    • Look at the fixed record and the information that can be recuperated. After you’re content with the outcomes, go to the Home menu and select Save Fixed Record.
    • This will raise a ‘Save As’ crate with an assortment of record saving decisions. Pick the important decisions prior to clicking alright.


    To summarize we have now perceived how to eliminate the blunder standpoint email mistake 0x800ccc1a. With the backing of our Server the board support administrations at Bob cares we have now gone however every one of the answers to fix the mistake.

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