
    9 Steps to a Perfectly Optimized WordPress Article

    You’ve written a great article and are now ready to hit “Publish” but wait! Are you sure your article is fully optimized for WordPress?

    1. Have you used the correct post format?

    2. Have you included all of the relevant tags?

    3. Is your title tag effective?

    4. Is your Meta description effective?

    5. Have you optimized your images?

    6. Have you used headings and lists effectively?

    7. Have you used internal linking effectively?

    8. Have you used external linking effectively?

    9. Have you added share buttons to make it easy for readers to share your content?

    By following these 9 simple steps, you can be sure that your WordPress articles are optimized for maximum impact!

    1. Use the correct post format: 

    WordPress offers a variety of post formats which can be selected from the “Format” drop-down menu when creating a new post. These include: Standard, Gallery, Image, Video, Quote, and Link. Selecting the most appropriate format for your content will make it more visually appealing and easier to read.

    2. Include all relevant tags: 

    Be sure to include all relevant tags in your article so that it can be properly categorized and found by searchers. Tags can be added in the “Tags” input box on the right side of the “New Post” page.

    3. Create an effective title tag: 

    The title tag is what appears in the search engine results pages (SERPs) as the clickable headline for your article. It should be catchy and descriptive, but also keyword rich. The title tag can be edited in the “SEO” section of the WordPress editor.

    4. Write a Meta description: 

    The Meta description is the short summary of your article that appears beneath the title tag in the SERPs. This is your chance to entice readers to click through to your content, so make it good! The Meta description can be edited in the “SEO” section of the WordPress editor.

    5. Optimize your images: 

    Make sure you’re using images that are relevant to your topic and that have been properly optimized for the web. Images should be reduced in size so that they load quickly and have appropriate ALT text so that they can be properly indexed by search engines.

    6. Use headings and lists effectively: 

    Breaking your content up into smaller sections with headings and lists makes it easier to read and more visually appealing. It also helps search engines understand the structure of your article.

    7. Use internal linking effectively: 

    Internal links are links from one page on your website to another. They help readers navigate your site and help search engines understand the hierarchy of your pages. Be sure to use relevant keywords in your anchor text (the clickable part of the link).

    8. Use external linking effectively: 

    External links are links to other websites. They help to add credibility to your article and can also be used to drive traffic to your website. Be sure to use relevant keywords in your anchor text (the clickable part of the link).

    9. Add share buttons: 

    Make it easy for readers to share your content by adding social media share buttons to each article. WordPress plugins like “Share this” or “Add this” can be used to easily add these buttons.

    By following these 9 simple steps, you can be sure that your WordPress articles are optimized for maximum impact!


    How do I choose the right post format for my article?

    The best way to choose the right post format is to think about what kind of content you are trying to share. For example, if you are sharing a gallery of images, then the Gallery post format would be most appropriate. If you are sharing a video, then the Video post format would be most appropriate. 


    WordPress is a powerful content management system that can be used to create beautiful and functional websites. When creating WordPress articles, be sure to optimize them for search engines by following the 9 simple steps outlined in this article. Doing so will help to ensure that your content is properly indexed and that it reaches the widest possible audience.

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